MON residency program is set up to strengthen the link between artist, city and the museal. Being a traveling house the Museum of Now is establishing close relations with various cities in pursuit of connecting people and cultures. Our artist in residence program is bringing creatives to cities all over the world within the individual MON editions.
The artist in residence is accommodated for the duration of her / his program and a central part of the MON edition in the city of the stay.
*BERLIN 2019
Pasha Cas is a price-winning Kazakhstan born artist, widely known in neighboring Russia and working on streets all over the world. During his residency stay in Berlin in 2019, Pasha Cas performed two live acts titled "Найти сейчас" ("Find Now") and "The Public Sphere" at the Museum of Now *Berlin Edition 2019 as well as number of installative projects within the urban fabric of Berlin. Finally, together with the artist and the curators, Museum of Now will present the results of Pasha Cas residency project in a book publication.
MON artist in residency 2019 is presented in collaboration with Prague Civil Society Centre, curators of MON and YES, AND... productions.
*The work from the video is Pasha’s performance act “Hello Damien Hirst”, displayed at Anna Nova Gallery in St. Petersburg, curated by Rash X in 2017.